#include using namespace std; class BaseClass { public: void fn1() { cout << "the fn1 founction of the baseclass" << endl; } void fn2() { cout << "the fn2 founction of the baseclass" << endl; } }; class DerivedClass : public BaseClass { public: void fn1() { cout << "the fn1 founction of the DerivedClass" << endl; } void fn2() { cout << "the fn2 founction of the DerivedClass" << endl; } }; int main() { DerivedClass derivedObj; derivedObj.fn1(); derivedObj.fn2(); BaseClass* basePtr = &derivedObj; basePtr->fn1(); basePtr->fn2(); DerivedClass* derivedPtr = &derivedObj; derivedPtr->fn1(); derivedPtr->fn2(); return 0; }